Exciting news: Sammy had his early intervention evaluation today. For those of you who don't know he was significantly physically behind when he was like 6-9mo old. He didn't even roll over, sit or do anything like that until around 10months. They think it is because of all of the hospitalizations, illnesses, and being a preemie. So for the last year or so we have had early intervention once a week, the first six months were physical therapy type things, and then after six months he was reevaluated and was found to be just about caught up physically but about six to seven months behind with speech and social aspects. Well anyways his big evaluation happened today and he tested higher than his age in everything!! The lowest he scored was at the 21month level for his fine motor skills. He scored up to 36months with some of the cognitive stuff. Not bad considering he is 19months old. My smartie boy!!!
Yesterday was his transfusion at Children's. It took two times to get the IV in but it took just a long time. There were so many people trying to distract him, including two clowns who had all the adults laughing and Sam just looked completely disgusted with them. It was so funny. He cried for like 2minutes and that is it. He is so brave. This is a little weird but probably a year from now he may be done with them.
As for me, the last two days I have started to feel quite yucky. I have been keeping track of my blood pressure and it is steadily creeping upwards:( Yesterday I noticed that I had some swelling in my feet, but none today. I just hope this isn't something starting:(
In other news Dennis will be home this weekend!!! I can't wait:)
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