Sophia and Alex snuggled together
Alex, Trish and Sophia
Our little princess with her daddy
Today the kids got to wear their costumes and march in a parade. They thought it was a blast to be "in a parade." They also got to have a hayride with their friend Alex. It was really really cold today, so noses and little hands were freezing.
Something else that was kind of cool today, we saw someone who I had taken care of their child about a year or so ago at the hospital. I introduced her by name to Matt, and her response was that I had saved her child. I absolutely did not, but it sure felt nice to know that I had made such an impact in their lives. The even cooler part is that I have invited her to our MOPS group through the church and she has been attending this whole season so far.:-) I love to see how God opens doors for us to witness to others, and to see where that witnessing goes.