Holy moly my baby is 18months old!!! I just can't even believe it. It just seems like she just got big overnight. Everything went well at her appointment and the doctor was thrilled with her progress and get this her 2 ppound weight gain!!! She is 22lb!!!! And 31 and 1/2 inches tall. She I guess could technically lose the FTT diagnosis now, but the doctor didn't acknowledge that when I asked her. She has 11 teeth and is working on a couple more. She is talking amazingly well and surprises me each day with what she can say. My favorite saying that she has is "I love you" which totally melts me. She also is saying "amen" when we are done praying unprompted now.
I had Dr V look at Sam's sinuses and they are looking pretty gross she said. We are going to try some conservative measures first, to prayerfully avoid antibiotics. She hasn't heard from his immunologist either, so we are all waiting anxiously for the results
Sam also saw the other GI doctor today. He weighs 29lbs still. He had been up to 31lb at one point but this is what he weighed when they weighed him in july as well. She is still pretty baffled by Sam and doesn't really know what to do. We are going to trial him off of the cramping medicine and are giving him the same appetite stimulant as Sophia to see if we can get him to gain some weight.
These are the pictures from making cookies the other day. Thanks Ang we had a wonderful time...
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