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Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Unfortunately we found out today that they would not cover the pediasure for Sophia. Her GI doctor is appealing it but it doesn't look too promising. I know God can provide this need, so please pray that He does. We have the swallowing specialist coming in the morning. I am looking forward to seeing if there is something there that could be instigating this whole failure to thrive thing. We also have a weight check tomorrow. I am praying that we have hit 18lbs again.
Sam continues to complain intermittently about not feeling well. I feel like as the days go on and we get farther out from the last IVIG that I am getting more anxious each day. I feel like we are just waiting for something to hit the fan. And now with this whole crazy swine flu I am really anxious about it. I know that God is in control but I am struggling to rely fully on Him right now.

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