Well I have heard back from the immunologist. Now the plan is to do the IV gammaglobulin monthly through spring of 2009!!! I am so discouraged and overwhelmed. After a year of him being sick for what seems like all of the time, I thought the fix would be done by next summer. I thought we would just have one more year of craziness and that would be it. But unfortunately for us that is not the case:( They had also done some other blood work and Sam's liver function tests were elevated a few weeks ago, then they came back down to normal levels and then now they are higher than they had been. I just wish I knew what was ultimately going on with this little guy. Although we now have a plan for the immunolgy stuff now there is this liver problem that we now have to deal with.
On a happier note he is walking everywhere!!! He walks like frankenstein with his arms straight out in front of him to help his balance. It is so cute. He found a pacifier in his toy box today and sucked and chewed on it for most of the day!!! It was so funny, he never took a pacifier taht good but now it was like a fun toy for him.
Tomorrow we have the appointment with the gastrointerologist. I am not really sure what will happen at that appointment. Maybe he will have some insight into all of the liver stuff.