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Sunday, July 16, 2006

He's Here

Our boy has arrived. Unfortunately he was 5wks early and has had some difficulty figuring out how to suck, swallow, and breath when he needs to. His heart rate has gone down a couple of times, so they are also concerned about that. Everything was so scary. I went to the doctor and found that my bloodwork was really bad, and my blood pressure went through the roof. Hard to believe that there was no blood pressure issues the entire pregnancy and then the day that my blood pressure goes up it is severe enough to have to induce. They said that I had severe pre-eclampsia and HELLP syndrome. They rushed me from our local hospital to a larger hospital where there were all kinds of specialists. I was told by a couple of people that work there that I was the sickest patient that they have had in years. Leave it to me:)

So this little guy is officially Samuel Lee and was 4lb 5oz and 18inches long. They also said that there was probably a small issue with my placenta because he should have been at least 5 and a half pounds. The NICU is wonderful and we are so blessed to have them caring for him, but I sure do want to take him home.

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