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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Got the most wonderful package today. The company that makes Sam's IVIG product, gives their families all kinds of wonderful stuff. Special books and stuffed animals for the kids, an IVIG journal to bring to each of his treatments for HIM to document how it is going and how he felt after, and he is really excited about that. And then a couple of different medical binders to keep track of all his health stuff. With stickers and dividers, pockets to keep all the doctors cards, calendars to mark each day and what is going on, and then an actual book type project for Sammy to write his story in. So so excited about this. They have a whole on line community for support, and questions. I am just so thankful that we have the opportunity for all of this. IT stinks to have all these medical issues, but what a blessing it is to have such an amazing support team to help us:-)
Sam has complained only twice today of his belly hurting. He ate ok for lunch and didn't complain during lunch. HE did complain at supper, and actually vomited tonight, stating that it felt like something was "clogging his mouth" and that he couldn't swallow. That feeling has since past but I have no clue what this is all about....
We had a great playdate today. God has blessed me so tremendously with some amazing inspiring women, and I am just thrilled to pieces when we get together. Today was one of those days. The kids and I had a wonderful time and I left feeling refreshed and encouraged.
Psalm 35:28 My tongue will proclaim your righteousness,
your praises all day long.

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