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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Trying to have the right attitude

So I am struggling with a bad attitude this week. :-( I was so hurt and disappointed when we asked someone for help this week, so that we would have someone to watch Sophia while Sammy was in the hospital, and when this person said no, it made me furious, not to mention was so hurtful. I keep telling myself not to question others choices, but it is so hard sometimes. I know that if someone said to me could you watch my baby, while my older child is in the hospital for a couple hours, I would do whatever I possibly could to help. So it is hard for me to understand when people won't help when it is so obviously needed. But all that aside this has reminded me this week that God has filled my life with some amazing friends and family that are willing to help. And I am so incredibly blessed.
In His perfect timing as always, after we learned that we still needed to find someone, a friend called and heard how upset I was by my voice, and said hey why don't I take her. What a blessing! And so it was perfect. Sophia had a wonderful time, and I was able to not be concerned about her knowing that she was being loved on completely.
On this journey with Sam, we have just been blessed so richly wish so many people that give of themselves so selflessly. Another friend when she heard I was looking for someone for Sophia, also offered. God has filled our lives with some amazingly wonderful people, who love us and are willing to do whatever they can to help. I am just so touched by so many. And I have to focus on that, I just have to...
Onto the rest of the story, so Sammy and I went up to the hospital (which by the way, since it was our local hospital and our pediatrician) he was super excited about, another tremendous blessing:-) Anyways we got up there and he got all hooked up to the monitors and we watched movies. He had more than 40 alarms in about a half hour time frame! I said to the pediatrician in the morning, see this is why I don't sleep! He had 3 episodes where he stopped breathing for more than 20seconds, and many more episodes where it was less than twenty seconds. The doctor seemed suprised at how many there were. She asked when we would be going back to see his doctor at Childrens and when she heard that it wasn't for two weeks, she decided she was going to contact him herself. Not sure what her thoughts/plans are....I am kind of hoping that we have a concrete plan in place by next week. I am praying that sometime soon we will be able to sleep at night without having our hand on his chest to make sure he is still breathing.

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