Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Friday, October 23, 2009

Pictures pictures and more pictures

We went and got the H1N1 vaccine for the kids today, and Sam had his bloodwork checked, which by the way looked even better than last time. Praise GOD!!!! So far they don't seem to be having any issues with the vaccine. Sophia was actually exposed to the swine flu while Sam was in the hospital. Please say some prayers for our friend Julianna, who actually has the swine flu. She is doing well. And then we flew to Wildwood Farm to go on a hayride, which Sam has been looking forward to for days and days. We unfortunately got there after the hayride had left. But the people at the farm were so wonderful they took just the three of us, after they got back! The kids had a blast even though it was FREEZING!!!

Wow it has been forever since I have uploaded the pictures from my camera. Here are the pictures from the last week or so, from most recent to the least. Enjoy my cute kids:-)
Hanging out at Meme's

My mom had tons of ladybugs at her house and the kids had a blast catching them. Sam didn't understand why they kept flying away, or why they left little juicy stuff on his hands after he very carefully pinched I mean picked them up.

He still wasn't feeling well, and passed out on the ottoman

Our days at Children's

Our playdate at our friend Carol's house. Sam and Sophia had a blast running around outside. They got to feed a pig, and the pony and goats came over to the fence to say hello.

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