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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Another transfusion

Well my little love bug had another transfusion this week on tuesday. He did really well. We are so blessed to have Children's Hospital and their wonderful staff taking care of Sam. He truly is thriving. It has been kind of a weird week or two as he has had fevers off and on and we don't really know the cause. But all in all he is doing well. He is starting to make some progress speech wise which is so exciting to me. He said UP the other day. I was so excited. He tries so hard, the look of concentration on his face is so cute. And then when it comes out he is so proud of himself. He is also using more sign language which is quite cute as well. All in all my baby is growing up so fast. I can't believe it.

I can't believe I will b e 18wks tomorrow! This pregnancy is so drastically different. I sometimes forget that I am pregnant. It is strange to not have weekly ultrasounds or doctor's appointments. I had so many ultrasounds with Sam and can't wait to see this little person on an ultrasound. We are having terrible times trying to come up with names for this little miracle. Any ideas? I feel absolutely wonderful this time around. I still get nauseous but looking back on this time with Sam I had just had my gallbladder out and had spent a week in the hospital. The stress of that time is so easy to not think about but then you get to certain days in this pregnancy, like the day I would have had surgery and I am just so thankful that God graciously blessed us with this beautiful miracle boy. And now to be blessed again.... I just feel so blessed there is no other word. We are just praying for full term and healthy.

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